ReClaim Your Health
in 90 Days or less...
You get to decide what kind of life you want to live...
One following a path to health and wellness...
One filled with health challenges.
Your health is up to you.
Its not something you get from a doctor.
Its in the simple little things that add up in the long run.
Get your questions answered on all thing wellness...
✓Eating healthy, taking supplements - but is my body absorbing these nutrients? I'm not feeling any different.
✓ Exercising regularly but I can't get rid of the belly.
✓ Getting to sleep ok but then I wake in the night - is this just aging?
✓ Manage stress and the impact that has on your health
✓ Reduce your toxic exposure (which affects your sleep, hormones, pain levels...)
Discover what's right for YOUR body type (foods, exercise, essential oils...)
We'll be chatting about Foundational Wellness,
Ayurveda, Essential Oils and what's the best next step for you...
Join me for lunch on Tuesdays, starting September 10th
12 noon MT (11 am PT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET)
Class Location: Zoom
Learn how to reclaim your energy
and that healthy vibrant YOU
- with a 90 day reset plan.
PLUS - participants will receive discounts and deals on doTERRA products.